Eco Eye Energy Monitor
Eco Eye Energy Monitor
Find out more about the Eco-Eye wireless energy monitor
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Eco-Eye is the latest realtime wireless electricity monitor to come onto the UK market designed to help people to reduce their carbon footprint by saving electricity.
Eco-Eye joins the Owl (Owl review), Efergy (Efergy review), and Wattson wireless electricity meters, all of which do the same thing - display realtime electricity usage figures to help people reduce their energy consumption.
Jan 2009 Update - Note that since this article was published new improved versions of the OWL and Efergy wireless energy monitors have been released: OWL CM119, and Efergy Elite.
NEW Click here to view our new comprehensive guide to Wireless Electricity Monitors with the latest models and up to date pricing.
Eco-Eye was launched in March 2008 offering a depth of features not currently found on the Owl, Efergy, and Wattson models. Like Efergy and Wattson, Eco-Eye has memory and therefore can store, display, and compare historical electricity usage statistics by hour, day, week, month, or year.
Eco-Eye has been designed, and is being manufactured here in the UK. Two models will be available: the Eco-Eye Elite for home-users with a £49.99 RRP (same as OWL, but more expensive than Efergy), and Eco-Eye Mini which is designed for the high-volume corporate market (such as energy companies) and will be sold at as little as £20 per unit.
NEW Click here to read our detailed Eco-Eye Product Review.
Bye Eco-Eye Now
Eco Eye Elite is available for £49.99 in the UK from Ethical Superstore - click here to buy Eco-Eye Elite now.Further Eco-Eye Information
Click here to view the fitting instructions (1 page PDF) for Eco-Eye, and here to read the detailed Eco-Eye FAQs. Click here to visit the official Eco-Eye website.
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