Best UK Green Power Company
Best UK Green Power Company
Find out about Green Power - The UK's best green power generator
home > general | solar | windMany people have read our article on Changing to a Green Energy Supplier with interest. It should be a simple, quick, and relatively cheap way of improving the environment we live in, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, and increasing our level of electricity self sufficiency.

Unfortunately most of the power companies are not as green as they claim to be. Under government legislation since 2002, all UK electricity suppliers are obliged to supply at least 5% of their electricity from renewable sources such as wind, and solar power.
Rather cheekily, the electricity suppliers are in the most part repackaging their green obligations as separate products for which they charge a premium. At the time of writing there are a dozen so called green tariffs available for consumers of which just a few go further than required by law. In general selecting a green tariff will make little or no difference to the environment since the electricity supplier would have had to purchase or generate a certain amount of electricity from renewable sources anyway - and only 1% of consumers have so far signed up to a green tariff.
Best UK Green Energy Suppliers
A recent survey by National Consumer Council (NCC) found that Good Energy to be the best green supplier. Good Energy are a small independent company that suppliers 100% renewable source electricity from wind, solar, and hydro-electricity projects. They charge a little over 10% more for their electricity but at least you know where it comes from and that you really are making a difference.Also commended were Scottish and Southern's RSPB energy deal and the green tariff from EDF who offer to offset your carbon footprint.
The worst of the green tariffs are offered by the big boys British Gas and nPower.

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