Ground Source Heat Pumps in London Directory
Ground Source Heat Pumps in London
Find ground source heat pumps installers in London
Home > UK Directory > Ground Source Heat Pumps > LondonBelow are a list of the ground source heat pumps installers, manufacturers, and consultants in London.
Icax Limited
1 Hatfield House, Baltic Street West, London, EC1Y 0ST

"Interseasonal Heat Transfer is a new form of on site renewable energy that integrates solar thermal collection in summer with heat storage in ThermalBanks to double the efficiency and Coefficient of Performance of ground source heat pumps in winter.
Interseasonal Heat Transfer captures surplus heat from summer sunshine, stores it in ThermalBanks™ in the ground and releases it to heat buildings in winter.
Interseasonal Heat Transfer also captures cold on winter nights, stores this in ThermalBanks™ in the ground and releases it to cool buildings in summer.
An IHT system includes an Asphalt Solar Collector, a ThermalBank to store heat energy, a heat pump and an ICAX Black Box electronic control system.
IHT™ saves over 50% of carbon emissions compared to using a gas boiler for heating.
IHT™ saves over 80% of carbon emissions compared to using standard air conditioning and chillers for cooling."
tel: 020 7253 5981
fax: 020 8785 4887
for ground source heat pumps in London. (06 Oct 09)
Geheat Ltd
120-132 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0EE
tel: 0845 094 3212
fax: 020 7703 4911
for ground source heat pumps in London. (08 Oct 08)
PO Box 57908, London, W4 4WW
tel: 020 8995 1239
fax: 020 8995 1239
for ground source heat pumps in London. (08 Oct 08)
Ove Arup & Partners Ltd
13 Fitzroy Street, London, W1T 4BQ
tel: 020 7755 3223
fax: 020 7755 2121
for ground source heat pumps in London. (08 Oct 08)
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Note: Details of companies listed in this directory are provided for information only and are not recommendations by REUK.