Rainwater Harvesting in South West Directory
Rainwater Harvesting in South West
Find rainwater harvesting installers in South West
Home > UK Directory > Rainwater Harvesting > South WestBelow are a list of the rainwater harvesting installers, manufacturers, and consultants in South West.
Greenshop Group
The Greenshop, Cheltenham Road, Bisley, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL6 7BX
"Greenshop Group
A group of companies offering sustainable construction products.
Rainharvesting Systems Ltd - supplies rainwater harvesting tanks, filters and complete systems. (Tel: 01452 772000, Email: enquiries@rainharvesting.co.uk, Web: http://www.rainharvesting.co.uk)
Consolar UK - supplies thermal stores (heat banks), solar panels and wood and pellet stoves. (Tel: 01452 772030, Email: enquiries@consolar.co.uk, Web: http://www.consolar.co.uk)
Greenshop Solar - supplies and installs thermal stores, solar panels, pv and thermal solar systems, solar power systems, energy efficient heating systems and high efficiency domestic pellet and log stoves. (Tel: 01452 772030, Email: enquiries@greenshopsolar.co.uk, Web: http://www.greenshopsolar.co.uk)"
tel: 01452 772030
fax: 01452 772024
email: enquiries@greenshopgroup.co.uk
web: http://www.greenshopgroup.co.uk
for rainwater harvesting, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal in South West. (02 Nov 10)
Solaris Rainmaker Ltd
20 Hunt Road, Christchurch BH23 3BN, BH23 3BN

"Solaris Rainmaker Ltd. Supplier and installer of complete above and below ground rainwater harvest systems for commercial and domestic use. Friendly service and top standard reinstatement for subterranean installations."
tel: 01202 496362
email: solarisrainmaker@hotmail.co.uk
for rainwater harvesting in South West. (21 Nov 11)
Ecofirst Limited
The Tithe Office, Abbey Manor Business Centre, Preston Road, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2FJ
tel: 0845 2575064
fax: 01935 848544
web: http://www.ecofirst.net
for solar thermal, solar photovoltaics, rainwater harvesting, wind turbines, ground source heat pumps in South West. (07 Oct 08)
Aquatek Water Management Ltd
Melton House, Vincents Road, Bumpers Farm, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6NQ
tel: 01249 467363
email: sales@aquatekltd.co.uk
web: http://www.aquatekltd.co.uk
for rainwater harvesting in South West. (07 Oct 08)
CPM Group Ltd
Mells Road, Mells, Frome, Somerset, BA11 3PD
tel: 01179 814500
email: sales@cpn-group.com
web: http://www.cpn-group.com
for rainwater harvesting in South West. (07 Oct 08)
Hydro International
Shearwater House , Clevedon Hall Estate, Clevedon, BS21 7RD
tel: 01275 878371
email: enquiries@hydro-international.co.uk
web: http://www.hydro-international.co.uk
for rainwater harvesting in South West. (07 Oct 08)
Water Support Services
18A High West Street, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1UW
tel: 01305 266614
email: info@water-support.co.uk
web: http://www.water-support.co.uk
for rainwater harvesting in South West. (08 Oct 08)
Wavin Plastics Limited
Parsonage Way, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5PN
tel: 01249 766 600
email: info@wavin.co.uk
web: http://www.wavin.co.uk
for rainwater harvesting in South West. (08 Oct 08)
Other Technologies Available in South West
solar thermal | solar photovoltaics | ground source heat pumps | rainwater harvestingwind turbines | small scale hydro turbines | wood fuelled boilers | green building
Note: Details of companies listed in this directory are provided for information only and are not recommendations by REUK.