Intelliplug Energy Saver
Intelliplug Energy Saver
Save energy with your desktop PC using an IntelliPlug.
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The OneClick IntelliPlug DSK105 is a device which will automatically power down peripheral equipment (such as printers, scanners, speakers, external drives etc) when a desktop computer is switched off. This can save a lot of electricity - sufficient to pay for the cost of the IntelliPlug in just a couple of years.

Using the IntelliPlug
The IntelliPlug is very simple to use. As the image above shows, it looks just like a standard 3 way adapter. The desktop PC is plugged into the top (Master Socket) of the IntelliPlug with any peripheral devices plugged directly into the two side (Extension) sockets. If you have more than two peripherals to connect then a 2-, 3-, or 4-way adapter (power strip) can be plugged into one of the side sockets with any number of peripherals plugged into that (subject to a maximum total of 13 Amps).Desk lamps, fans, and other powered devices can also be plugged in as peripherals saving even more electricity when not in use.
How does IntelliPlug Work
The IntelliPlug automatically detects the power level of the desktop computer when it is on and off and uses this information to switch the power on to the peripheral devices only when the computer is known to be on. The reaction time of the internal system in the IntelliPlug is around five seconds.The manufacturers claim typical electrical savings of 84KWh per year although a user's true saving will depend on their usage characteristics.
The IntelliPlug itelf draws around 0.4 Watts of electricity in standby mode which will cost around 30 pence per year in electricity consumption.
As an added benefit, the IntelliPlug also offers basic surge protection which will help to protect sensitive computer equipment from surges in the mains power supply.
Limitations of the IntelliPlug
Many people use their printers and scanners irregularly and so these devices will still be powered whenever the computer is on. This is a waste of electricity and so it is better for that sort of user to manually plug in peripherals only when they are about to be used. Secondly, IntelliPlug cannot be used with laptop computers.Buying IntelliPlug
NEW The IntelliPlug is now available for sale in the REUK Shop for just £12.99 plus £1.95 for delivery. Click here now to buy an IntelliPlug.IntelliPanel

More Information about OneClick, IntelliPlug, and IntelliPanel
The website of the (British) designers of the IntelliPlug OneClick Technologies Ltd is A UK-based startup company, OneClick are focussed on reducing carbon emissions caused by electricity leakage (i.e. wastage) from computers and audio-visual equipment when left in standby mode.
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