Review of Ten Technologies Chris Goodall
Review Of Ten Technologies Chris Goodall
A review of Ten Technologies to Save the Planet by Chris Goodall
home > shopping | general | carbon | energy efficiencyTen Technologies to Save the Planet by Chris Goodall was published in November 2008. This 292 page book published by Profile Books covers the latest technological advances which could help reduce carbon emissions, provide us with an alternative to fossil fuels, and to help us address the problem of climate change.

Ten Technologies is in no way an academic text. It is thoroughly readable and requires no previous knowledge as all concepts are well introduced and explained. Although popular science books like this are typically limited in their depth, the author has managed to make up for this problem with the breadth of topics covered. The book can be read from front to back cover, or it is possible to dip straight into the chapters which interest you most since they can be read (and understood) independently of one another.
Ten Technologies is made up of ten chapters:
1. Capturing the Wind
2. Solar Energy
3. Electricity from the Oceans
4. Combined Heat and Power
5. Super-efficient Homes
6. Electric Cars
7. Motor Fuels from Cellulose
8. Capturing Carbon
9. Biochar
10. Soil and Forests
Some chapters are better written than others, for example, the chapters which cover the easiest to understand topics stand out as being the better put together - most probably because of the author's greater understanding (and maybe interest) in these. The first three chapters (which cover wind, solar, and tidal/wave power) for example are very shallow and therefore less readable than the more thorough chapters on combined heat and power and on super-efficient homes (including Passive Houses).
The book is finished off with a Putting it all Together chapter which looks at how the ten technologies presented in the book can be used together; and an Epilogue which mentions ideas which did not make the top 10 list:nuclear power, energy efficiency measures (including lighting), geoengineering, and carbon taxes.
Covering so many of the technologies which are likely to shape the world over the next 10-20 years, this book is essential reading. The writing style of the author is very engaging, the content is apparently well researched, and the book will act as an excellent jumping off point / introduction for anyone interested in learning more about the subects covered. However, the book is crying out for a bibliography and the author's suggestions for further reading.
There cannot be many people in the world who could read this book and not learn something new, and not feel motivated to look in more depth at the topics covered.
Buy Ten Technologies to Save The Planet
Ten Technologies to Save the Planet is sold at a recommended retail price of £9.99, however it is often offered at a 30-50% discount on Amazon UK. Click here to buy Ten Technologies to Save the Planet now.
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