Worlds Largest Offshore Wind Farm
Worlds Largest Offshore Wind Farm
Approval finally given for World's largest offshore wind farm
home > news | windThe government has approved plan to build the World's largest Offshore Wind Farm 12 miles off the coast of the South East of England to be built by 2011 with the first turbines going up in second half of 2008. With up to 341 wind turbines planned, this £1.5 billion (6th Oct 2007 Update: £2.0 billion) wind farm in conjunction with a £500 million 100 turbine (300MW) scheme proposed for Thanet in the Thames Estuary will provide enough electricity for 700,000 homes - 1.3GW - and will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by 1.9 million tonnes each year.

The offshore windfarm will cover an area of almost 150 square miles covering a stretch of 144 miles of coastline between Clacton in Essex and Margate in Kent. The only stumbling block had been getting approval for an essential electricity sub-station to be built in Swale near Faversham. The consortium responsible for building the so called London Array had their initial application in June 2006 refused by Swale Borough Council who voiced worries about an increase in noise and traffic in the area. However, the consortium have appealed against the decision and are hopeful it will be reversed in a hearing planned for March 2007 (6th Oct 2007 Update: Planning approval finally given in October 2007 after an 18 month delay).
The London Array has also had to overcome serious opposition from the RSPB whose fears for the safety of the red-throated diver (winter visitors to Kent) led to changes being made to the scheme.
Increased Costs
During the 18 month planning delay, the costs of wind turbines and associated components of wind farms have escalated due to the worldwide boom in wind farm construction. At the same time legal, staffing, and other related costs have pushed the original budget up from £1.5bn to £2.0bn for the London Array.London Array Consortium
The three consortium partners are Shell WindEnergy Ltd, E.ON UK Renwables, and CORE Ltd (renamed in 2007 as Dong Energy London Array Limited - a partnership of Dong Energy and Farm Energy.)Related London Array Links
Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm - Currently UK's largest offshore wind farm at Scroby Sands in Norfolk.North Hoyle Offshore Wind Farm - The UK's first major offshore wind farm.
London Array - Official website of London Array
Green Light for World's Biggest Windfarm - from The Guardian.
* This article was originally published on 18th December 2006 and was updated on 6th October 2007.

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