Additional Information
This device is designed to protect a 24V battery or battery bank from being run down excessively and suffering permanent damage.
The output from this low voltage disconnect is rated to 1 Amp. This can be used to directly power lighting and other devices up to a total of 1 Amp, or can be used to energise a relay which in turn can switch much higher current levels.

When the output is on and the measured voltage dips below the user set low disconnect voltage, the red LED will turn on. If the measured voltage remains below the disconnect voltage for 10 seconds continuously then the output will be turned off and the red LED will turn off. Subsequently, when the measured voltage exceeds the cancellation voltage (after the battery has been charged up a bit), the green LED will turn on. If the measured voltage remains above the cancellation voltage for 10 seconds continuously then the output will be turned on again and the green LED will turn off.
This device is a miniaturised and more affordable version of our premium 12V Programmable Low Voltage Disconnect, but designed for use with 24V battery systems. The instructions for the user to set the disconnect and cancellation voltages given there can be used for this device – the only difference is that the base disconnect voltage is 25.0V and the base cancellation voltage is 24.0V for this 24V device. You can then programme the disconnect voltage to be any 0.1V step below 25.0V, and the disconnect cancellation voltage to be any 0.1V step above 24.0V.
The size of this board is just 45 x 45 x 20mm.
Click here is you need a 12V programmable low voltage disconnect.