There are an ever increasing number of renewable energy podcasts available on the internet for you to listen to on your computer or download to your MP3 player.

If you want to enhance your knowledge about the latest developments in Renewable Energy then have a listen to a few of these on your way to work:
Renewable Energy Access – This is a weekly podcast offering an in-depth look at the world of renewable energy.
The Watt – Has an archive of around 70 (at time of writing) Podcasts with energy news, views and interviews. A good proportion of these discuss alternative energies such as wind power, solar cells, hydrogen fuel cells and much more.
Energy Smart News – A radio and internet audio based website focusing on renewable energy, efficient power generation, and energy efficiency.
Affordable Solar – Introductory podcasts to Solar Power discussing grid-tied solar sytems and living off grid
There are many other podcasts covering renewable energy news and advice. Please tell us about any other relevant podcasts which you feel are worthy of inclusion on this list. Email