It is possible to buy virtually anything on eBay and wind turbine generators are no exception. On any given day there is usually around 500 wind turbine related lots for sale ranging from wind turbine eBooks (detailing the advantages of wind power with DIY plans) to multi-kW wind turbine systems including mast, and inverter etc.

Around £400-500 will get you a marine 12V Air-X Wind Turbine Generator dispatched from USA for £50 shipping or the land equivalent Air-X turbine for around £300. These 400 Watt turbines are really most suited to marine applications as they need constant strong winds to generate much power.

A wide range of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) are also available starting from a few £hundred to many £thousands. Click here to view the latest listings for VAWT.
Other Wind Power Related Items for Sale
Also available are wind turbine generator blades, dump loads, and 12V immersion heaters.