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Additional Information
This circuit is designed for use with TWO 12V DC Honeywell IS-215T passive infrared motion sensors (for sale in the REUK Shop). It is handbuilt in the UK using top quality electronic components and it has been designed to be very easy to use.If you intend to use just one PIR sensor in your circuit, please click here to view details of our standard single PIR Relay Timer.
Connection Diagram

Above is a schematic diagram showing the connections which must be made when using this circuit. It look a lot more complicated than it really is!
When one or both of the PIR sensors in the circuit detect motion, the relay on the circuit board will be energised. This closes its internal switch and therefore allows current to flow to your low-voltage security lighting or other devices (<10 Amps total load). For a user-programmable interval of 5 to 75 seconds after motion was last detected, current will continue to flow before being automatically shut off.
Setting the Time Delay (5-75 seconds)
For details on setting the time delay interval, click here to read the instructions for use of our standard single PIR Relay Timer.Related Articles
Find out how to connect up two or more PIR sensors to one relay board or microcontroller inputConnecting more than one PIR sensors in a circuit
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